Friday, 31 May 2013

Baby Shower

Yesterday we actually got hot summer weather! I was beginning to wonder if summer was ever going to arrive, but it came in full force yesterday. Matt and I worked on the deck (and our suntans) until about 3:30, but by then it was just too hot to continue working. Our labors paid off though, and by the time we got done, we had the railing up all the way around. We just have to put the spindles in the railing now. Matt custom made the flower box that you see in the corner below. Wednesday was a rainy day, so we set up shop in the basement and worked on making one for each corner of that side of the deck. I can't wait to put flowers in them!

In the middle of working yesterday, when I was drenched in sweat and my hair a mess, I got a phone call from Leah telling me that somehow when they were passing out invitations they had "missed" me, and she and Mrs. Bamford and Sarah were hosting a baby shower in my honor that evening! Talk about surprised!! Usually I am a little suspicious about things, but everyone did a great job at keeping this a secret! Matt completely knew about it and had not so much as dropped one clue that there was a surprise shower being planned for us! He just stood there grinning and winking at me as I got the phone call from Leah. :-) I was grateful she gave me a little heads up so that I could get cleaned up from working.
The shower was so much fun, and everyone spoiled little Brett and I rotten. Mrs. Jan Bamford led the games, and she had very interesting ones. She passed around sealed,  unlabelled baby food jars and we had to name the baby food inside. It was much harder than it looked like it would be! Mashed, cooked baby food looks very much alike! :-) We then were given a page with clues and we had to name the body part of the baby that each clue described. Some of those were stumpers for this blonde brain. We also had an M&M guess where we had to guess how many M&M's were in the baby bottle she passed around. The last game was a list of old wives' tales predictions on whether the expectant mother was having a boy or girl. We had to fill in the blank with "boy" or "girl". Some of them were HILLARIOUS!!
"If the pregnant mother sleeps with her pillow facing north she is having a boy."
 "If her nose is wider now than before she got pregnant, she is having a boy."
How on earth did these people come up with these things!?!?!?
Matt's Mom led in a short devotional and went over a couple of names for the Lord that are so very helpful when you need help and guidance in raising children of your own ( or in any situation):El Shaddai, which encompasses aspects of both a father's strong, protective care and a mother's tender, loving care; Shepherd which shows the care and concern and work the Lord puts in to every one of us. With a God like this, we know we can turn to Him in any situation of life and He will be there ready and willing to help us. It was a great reminder to me, especially knowing that this little guy is entrusted to our keeping and he is an eternal being who needs to be taught about the Lord.
Pam decorated the most adorable cake for little Brett and I, and we snacked on cake, fruit, cheese and crackers. Here is a picture of Pam's handy work.

We were so generously showered with presents with everything from baby washes, lotions, and powder; to nail clippers, thermometer, and diaper cream; to baby wipes and diapers, burp cloths, a little quilt, and much, much more. One package of diapers even looks like the baby is wearing little blue jeans when he has them on. When I got done opening all of the gifts, I had things all around my chair so I couldn't move, and that was how Matt found me when he came to pick me up. :-)
Thank you so much to everyone who blessed us with gifts, and to the Bamfords for hosting the shower. I had such a wonderful time, and the gifts were so very helpful in getting ready for little Brett's arrival.

Here is baby and I with all of our presents after Daddy brought us home last night.


Carol Baker said...

How nice! You look really good.Love Ma

Vicki said...

Well, not sure about how good I look, but I do look quite large!!! *wink*

Laura H. said...

Wow!! Your basement looks so much neater than mine. Sigh!! Another project for me to tackle ha ha

Vicki said...

Oh, the pictures only show a small portion of my basement. It is in bad need of cleaning...something I'm hoping to do before baby gets here.