Monday, 6 May 2013

Round Garden

My little round garden at the edge of our driveway has been a challenge to reclaim from the fern and blackberry brambles that had overtaken it before we got the house. Matt said that when he bought the place he didn't even know there was a garden there because it was so grown up. The last few days I have been working on cleaning out all the leaves and dead growth from the winter, and digging out the blackberries and fern that have popped up in abundance this spring. I was finally able to finish it this afternoon! My battle with the brambles and fern is far from over, but I am enjoying the beauty of my cleaned out garden while it lasts. :-)


Unknown said...

Beautiful job! I like the rock. I miss having rocks to edge with.

Carol Baker said...

Looks good Torrie.Our new daffys that Pa planted last fall are doing quite nicely.Love Ma