Saturday, 15 March 2014


If you are checking my blog this morning, you will notice that some changes have been made in the last 24 hours. I basically handed my laptop to my husband last night and asked him to help get things set up a little differently. He worked with me for most of the evening and came up with
 the look you see this morning ( which I am loving, by the way.)
The  main reason for the change is that with some prompting from Matt, and a ton of help from him, I am opening up a small business to sell some of the knitting and crochet projects I enjoy making. It's still in the early stages, and I'm still figuring out a lot of the details, but it is slowly coming together. Matt and I both thought that my blog would be one of the many avenues I could use to advertise my products. If you click on the "Handmade by Hon" tab at the top of the page, you will be able to view what I have for sale, and you will be able to navigate to where you can purchase my products. I still have more work to do to get the page up and running as I would like, and I still have more products that I need to photograph and list. Check back to the "Handmade by Hon" page often, because I am adding new items almost daily. If you think of it, please spread the word as well.... I'm told that word of mouth is one of the best advertisers there is!
With all of that being said, this blog will not turn into a purely business site. I still plan to blog about our everyday life, Brett, and anything else I want to share with you as I have done for the last two years.
In other news, Matt has revamped his blog and has it up and running where he posts regularly. If you would like to read interesting news articles, life hacks, and much more, visit the link on the side of my page called "My Darling's Blog".
And just because blog posts can be boring without pictures, I am sharing one more picture of our little Buddy from his 9 month photo shoot. :-)


johnnfawn said...

Wow! How inspiring! Great work on the blog site. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with to make. And with an adorable baby model for all your baby projects, you will be busy with orders. I'll be sure to let people know where they can find the perfect handmade gift. said...

Congrats!!!Sounds very interesting and fun will definitely tell people of your products to help you in anyway I can also.God Bless you on this knew venture in yours and Matt and Brett's lives.Hugs from the White house in the Vault xoxo.

Carol Baker said...

Whew!! I didn't know what you were announcing.:-)Love Ma

Amanda said...

Good look Vicki. Excited for you!