Thursday, 21 November 2013

Just Brett Pics

In the last month Brett has learned to sit up quite well on the couch. Sometimes he'll just sit there and watch me work around the house. By the looks of the second picture, he has also learned song leading.  :)

Mama's little Tigger. ( His real title is Piglet....and I'm sure you all can figure out why).

Getting ready for bed one evening after church.

We are trying to teach Brett to have afternoon naps in his own bed instead of on the couch. After a long stretch of fighting sleep and wailing, I peeked into his room to find he had finally given in to sleep. Isn't he adorable?

A flannel plaid shirt, jeans, work boots, and a killer grin.....enough to make this Mama's heart skip a beat!! ;)

All bundled up to go to town on a chilly evening.

Fresh and clean from a nice warm bath. The towel is mighty tasty to a five month old boy!

So smashing in his Sunday set of threads! We finally found a shirt to match the tie Auntie Nessa and Uncle John gave him.

Daddy bought him a pair of sunglasses for being so good when he was sick with his first cold. Here he is modeling them on top of his head the night he got them.

My first car!!  We picked up this walker for him because he has pretty much outgrown the lounge he had. His feet don't touch the floor yet, but for the most part he loves it.


johnnfawn said...

So! Sweety! I wish I could kiss those cheeks. I don't know where the tiny little man went that I saw there in September. What a big boy! Love and miss you!

Carol Baker said...

Grandma wishes she was there to smuggle with him.Much love Brett. said...

Isn't he such a sweet just love to give him a kiss .Love u all I enjoy the pictures .His smile is something else makes me smile when I see him.

Tim and Rebecca Lewis said...

he's sooo cute!!! I really cant wait till we can see him in person!! He looks like such a sweetheart!!! Love you all!!!