Monday, 11 November 2013

Four Months

I squeezed in Brett's 4 month pictures on Friday to make sure we got them done before he turned five months. (That milestone happens tomorrow.)
I have this soft spot in my heart for hedgehogs. I can't really tell you why, I just think they are adorably cute. Anyway, since I love hedghogs so much, Matt bought a toy hedgehog for Brett before he was born, and I've been waiting for the right time to include the little hedgehog in a photo shoot. When Auntie Laura sent us down the perfect little hedgehog outfit for Brett I knew it was time for Brett's little hedgehog, aka "Mr. Prickles," to make his debut.
Here are the pics we got.


johnnfawn said...

Thank you! So cute and I can't believe how big he is. He is all smiley and has lost his tiny baby look. You did such a great job and he looks so smug and cool about modeling the new overalls. Did you make the hat?

Carol Baker said...

Gram's adorable boy!Sooo precious

Vicki said...

Yes, I made the hat for him before he was born. :) said...

Wow baby Brett you are getting so big and cutie everyday !!:) said...

I meant cuter everyday he is so sweet

Damaris Baker said...

He is as cute if not cuter than a baby hedge hog! I am very orotund to be his auntie! Love you Brett!!

Laura H. said...

Those overalls aren't going to fit much longer!! Very cute, Brett!!