Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Lounging Around

Auntie Leah bought this lounge for Brett at a yard sale, and he seems to like it. He just looks all around as he lounges, and takes in the sights until he goes to sleep. Thank you so much, Auntie Leah!


Unknown said...

Awww--he looks so cute in it! Glad he is enjoying it:-)

Damaris Baker said...

It is just like the one Gilbert has now except Gilbert's is Winnie the Pooh theme.
He looks so adorable in it and so big!!

Carol Baker said...

Just the seat you needed.Oh how grandma would love to cuddle her baby!love and kisses

johnnfawn said...

Wow he looks so big in his chair! He should use it the next few weeks because when I get there he wont need it for quite some time.