Sunday, 9 June 2013

A Touch of Beauty

I just wanted to share a few pictures of the flowers that are blooming around our house right now. I'm enjoying the beautiful blooms, and thought you might as well. :-)

My first call lily blossomed about a week ago. These pictures make it look pink, but it actually has more of a purple hue to it, with a dark purple throat.

This cheery little African violet seems to enjoy my kitchen windowsill over the sink, and I enjoy its pop of color there just as much. :-)

I thought I had killed the beautiful orchid Matt bought me, because after he brought it home, all the buds it had on it dried up and fell off. Some of the leaves were starting to turn brown as well. Thankfully it seemed to pick up after it got established in our east bedroom window, grew more buds, and now we are enjoying the beauty of its blossoms.


Carol Baker said...

They are cheery.I finally got my pelargonium.Love Ma

johnnfawn said...

So pretty! House plants make such a difference in making a place homey. "The difference between a housekeeper and a homemaker is a housekeeper makes a house good to live in a homemaker makes a house good to love in."