Thursday night we had out first BBQ of the season. I think it was the warmest day we had had up to that point this spring. I spent the day in Bangor with a friend, and on my way home Matt called me to see if I felt like a BBQ for supper. I was all for it, so he brought a tank of gas home and we proceeded to enjoy our tasty grilled supper. There is just something so much yummier about a burger cooked on the grill. :-) Here we are enjoying our first BBQ.
After our BBQ, Matt's Dad and Mom and some of the girls came over and helped us stake out the measurements for the deck we are going to build on the back of our house. It is so exciting to finally see things getting underway after talking and planning about this deck since last spring!!
Once we had all of the junk cleaned up, Dad used his weedwacker to cut down the blackberry brambles that had grown up, and got his chain saw out to cut off a few stumps. Charity and I raked up what he had cut down and deposited it on the burn pile while Mom worked away at picking up bits and pieces of broken glass and plastic.
After lunch, Mom and Charity and I headed to the dump with our truckload of junk, and Dad stayed behind to split some wood that needed to be taken care of at our house. I felt like the Clampets from the Beverly Hillbillies show driving down the road with our truck piled high. :-) We had to stop twice before getting to the dump to either pick up something we had lost or readjust our load, bit we finally made it there with all of our load in tact. I was bracing myself for how much I might have to pay to get rid of all of that mess, however I was pleasantly surprised when the man at the dump said "Five dollars to get rid of the wood, the rest doesn't cost anything." I quickly wrote him a check and Mom and I and Charity unloaded the junk. What a great feeling that was to know that all of that mess was gone from our backyard and I would never have to deal with it again!! :-)
Compare this picture with the one above where Matt and Dad are staking out the deck measurements to see how much better it looks now.
When we got back from the dump, Dad was finished splitting the wood and had cleaned up a bunch of brush around our garden and added it to an ever growing burn pile. His intention was to burn a big pile we had out back and one by the garden. He had picked up a burning permit earlier that day, but the stipulation was that he couldn't burn till after 5:00 that night. That worked perfectly because Matt was out of work by that time which meant another set of eyes and hands to help with the fire. He and Dad touched off the first pile while I got burgers and hotdogs on the grill.
By the time that pile was burned down, supper was ready and Pam and Rachel had gotten home from work so the whole family sat down for some food. After supper, Mom and the girls helped me clean up, while Matt and Dad lit the second pile.
We all ended up back outside to watch the fires, and the girls helped me carry a bunch of old cardboard boxes out of the basement that needed to be burned, and we added them to the pile. By 9:30 both piles had burned right down to coals, and when Matt and I got up this morning there was just ashes left where the huge piles of brush and logs had been. We were all ready to call it a day when we got done, but it felt so good to have SO much accomplished. Not to mention being able to enjoy looking out the back window to a much cleaner property! Thank you so much to everybody that helped!!
Looks good.Hope you didn't over do.Love Ma
What a days work! I would have loved to have helped with all that. Spring cleaning is always exciting inside and out. It's great to have family so near and eager to help. Can't wait yo get to see all these improvements in person.
Your busy cleaning outside and I'm busy nesting inside. Cecily's room is finally ready to be painted. Yay!!
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