Thursday, 17 May 2012

*So Beautiful*

I've been enjoying my gardens the last couple of weeks....watching different plants come up, form buds, and little flowers burst forth making splashes of color in various places! I've also been enjoying watching the wild flowers blossom! There are millions of violets, and johnny-jump-ups in our lawn which I use to make bouquets to pretty up our kitchen table. I wanted to share some of the beauty of our outdoors with you! :-)

My garden is prettier than these pictures show. The light from the sun washed the picture out! :-(

Are these narcissus? That's what I'm calling them right now! =) Leave a comment if you know what they are.

My peace lily has one bloom on it, and another bud formed! I was SO excited when Matt spotted them!

Our freshly mowed lawn.

Our current "kitchen table" bouquet.


Carol Baker said...

yes the flowers are narcissus.the grounds look very

Carol Baker said...

Testing to see if I is named or Unknown.

Vicki said...

I thought they were, but wasn't totally sure! Thank you for identifying them for me!