Monday, 26 May 2014

In case you thought it was National BBQ Day

Words cannot express my gratitude to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom I enjoy in this country! While many, including myself, enjoyed a holiday today, there were a lot of families who spent the day remembering lost loved ones who died defending our country so we could enjoy holidays like this.
All I can say is "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart!

Friday, 2 May 2014

Easter and Miscellaneous Happenings

I was a little apprehensive about our Easter this year because we had a very busy day scheduled starting at 6:00 a.m. with a Sunrise Service and an Easter breakfast afterwards. On top of that and our regular church services of the day, we had our monthly nursing home visit in the afternoon. I wasn't sure how Brett would handle being up early and pretty much being on the run all day. Turns out he was a trooper, and was only mildly fussy by the end of the day.
I tried to get organized Saturday night and get the diaper bag packed with everything we would need for the sunrise service, breakfast, and morning service; get our outfits laid out so that we wouldn't be searching for them at 5:00 the next morning; and make sure that we all had our Saturday night baths. :) Daddy took this adorable picture of Wink that night.

 The men always cook the Easter breakfast, and this year Grampie cooked a special pancake just for Winky.

He loved the taste of it, but after eating about 3/4 of it, he got too full and just wanted his bottle.

A pancake just a little boy's size!! Thank you, Grampie, for thinking of Brett and his tummy!

Grammie Baker sent Brett a pair of jammies for Easter, and we have been enjoying him wearing them. I think this is his first pair of jammies without any feet in them, and Matt and I love seeing his little toes peek out the bottom. He looks like something straight from a story book page. Sorry he's wearing socks in this picture!

Over Easter weekend, Matt brought me home a delightful surprise! Imagine my surprise finding this on the kitchen table when he said I could open my eyes!!!

He knew that I REALLY liked how the Ruger LC9 fit my hand and how easy it was to shoot. He also knew that I wanted a girly color, so when he found out about this purple one, he knew his wife would be a willing taker! :) How can it get any better than a purple gun?!?!?! I haven't been able to try it out yet because it has been rainy every chance we get to go to the gravel pit, but I'm looking forward to breaking it in!

Last Thursday we were invited to Seth and Rachel's for supper. Brett had a grand time playing with Friend Tyler, and we parents enjoyed visiting with each other and watching our little boys interact.

Spring has arrived in this part of the country, and we are enjoying the warmer temperatures. I've enjoyed taking Brett outside, and showing him the great outdoors. One day he helped me plant seeds out on the back deck...

...and did the heavy looking one while I picked up brush that the linesmen had cut away from the power lines during the ice storm at Christmastime. ;)

Matt bought us each a bicycle so that we could do some biking along the carriage trails in Bar Harbor this summer. Of course Wink needed to get in on the fun as well, so we bought him a chariot to ride in behind my bike. We've gone on one ride so far, and Wink loved it!

We went out for supper on one of our date nights, and Wink was able to sit up to the table in a highchair for the first time. As you can see, he was VERY excited!!